Warsztaty Wynurzenie

Termin; 10-11 grudnia 2016

Zajęcia trwają od godziny 10.00 do 17.30 zarówno w sobotę i niedzielę

Grupa 6-8 osób

Miejsce : Centrum Medycyny Naturalnej Ostróda ul Chrobrego 7a

Resurfacing refers to going out from old creations and getting back to your higher consciousness. It is a proces of revealing the real you to yourself, which follows the nature. At the end as an award you get deep understanding the mystery of life and the answer, on why is your life going soccessfully or not. Resurfacing is a travel into consciousness and a lesson of how can you shape it on your own demand. It depends only from you how far will you go, and how much truth will you discover.

Put your inner worries away, and spend your time on discovering yourself. Resurface the real potential that awaits.

Be ready for experiencing you creation and physical world with all their miracles. Please, delight this travel.

Feel free to contact me: Mareek Tomczak, Avatar Master (stars Edge Academy USA)

All Avatar workshops are organized according to standards estimated by Stars Edge USA.

Resurfacing Workshops: 15-16 10.2016

Worskhops start at 09:00 and ends at 18:00. Dinner break 12:30-14:00.

Price: 550 zl, Resurfacing manual included.

Price does not apply to meals and accomodation. Details are sent via e-mail.

Continuation of Resurfacing takes part in Orlando, Florida, USA in 31th of December – 8th of january 2017.

Third level is an Avatar Master Course, that gives an opportunity to pass the knowledge around the world.

Details at www.theavatarcourse.com

Bookings: mareektomczak@wp.pl, mobile: 888-101-370


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