What do people play – social board game – Mareek Tomczak All rights reseved.

I would like to thank Magda, Natalia, Monika and Darek for huge inspiration and the energy, so I could develop my workshops to present form, so it can serve people to change their lives. THANK YOU WILL ALL MY HEART.

The goal of the game: Increase the level of comunication in families, relationships, marriages, couples, job enviroments, social microstructures.

“What do people play” is a simple, instant tool that shows the levels, from which people comunicate  during the dialog. It also reveals emotions and feelings that contributors experience during the game.

The game is a guide to naming and understanding emotions. It is a key to develop one’s emotional intelligence. Once developed, emotional intelligence lets us comunicate more effectively, and raise the quality of any relationship.

There are such mechanisms as a KID-PARENT-ADULT and VICTIM-HANGMAN-SAVIOR. They are replaced without awareness by majority of people; many people limits themselves through them without even knowing they exist. The point of the game is to transform those inequal relationships into mature ADULT-ADULT proportion. Only this allows one to successfuly cooperate with their families, partners, and other enviroments.

Playing the game has direct influence on the quality of life, physical and mental health by raising awareness related to knowledge about players themselves.

No matter what you believe, reaching relief, hope and faith are the same for everyone.
“What do people play” unlocks the enrgy that lies silently in your mind areas you did not explore never before.

Game is dedicated for 2-4 players. Box includes:


-Boards (5 pcs.)

-Emotion boards, emotional states boards, feelings boards, hidden feelings boards.

Price: 150 zl.

Buy the game: mareektomczak@wp.pl mobile: 880-518-469